Archive for the ‘Team A’ Category

October 2, 2010

Yatta, my copy of AKB48’s Team A 6th Stage “Mokugekisha” Studio Recording album arrived today!

And here’s a few pictures of the CD itself and the jewel case I took:


1. overture
2.目撃者 (Mokugekisha)
3.前人未踏 (Zenjin Mitou)
4.いびつな真珠 (Ibitsu na Shinju)
5.憧れのポップスター (Akogare no Popstar)
6.腕を組んで (Ude wo Kunde)
7.炎上路線 (Enjou Rousen)
8.愛しさのアクセル (Itoshisa no Accel)
9.☆の向こう側 (Hoshi no Mukougawa)
10.サボテンとゴールドラッシュ (Saboten to Gold Rush)
11.美しき者 (Utsukushiki Mono)
12.アイヲクレ(Ai wo Kure)
13.摩天楼の距離 (Matenrou no Kyori)
14.命の意味 (Inochi no Imi)
15.I’m crying.
16.ずっと ずっと (Zutto Zutto)

Sorry for not being able to provide scans of the actual CD booklet – my scanner is horrible and there really isn’t anything to see except for the lyrics. Speaking of which, the offical lyrics for A6 are finally up on the AKB48 website!: loveandcoffee has also awesomely provided translations for all the songs, which can be found over at Studio48 and in the Lyrics and Translations thread on Stage48 (Matenrou no Kyori is like officially my favorite AKB48 song now <3333) Now I can finally look at the lyrics on my iPod and sing along with the girls ^__^ (yes, I sing to AKB48 songs… don’t judge me.)

I think the only thing that disappoints me about the CD is Utsukushiki Mono, particulary the part where Takamina speaks the lyrics during her chorus. I’m just a little upset that her voice came out sounding stronger and louder during the actual performance, but aside from that I am totally melting into a pile of goo now that I can finally listen to Itoshisa no Accel A6 in high quality without wotas screaming and clapping in the backround ^^

AKB48 Team A 6th Studio Recording “Mokugekisha” CD Release!
September 17, 2010

Finally, the A6 “Mokugekisha” Studio Recording CD has been released! The CD cover was actually revealed a few days ago, but I figured I’d wait until it popped up on the AKB48 Official Shop to post anything. Anyway, here’s the cover:

Just like to say that Takamina's hair is looking awe-some~!

And the tracklist:

1. overture
2.目撃者 (Mokugekisha)
3.前人未踏 (Zenjin Mitou)
4.いびつな真珠 (Ibitsu na Shinju)
5.憧れのポップスター (Akogare no Popstar)
6.腕を組んで (Ude wo Kunde)
7.炎上路線 (Enjou Rousen)
8.愛しさのアクセル (Itoshisa no Akuseru)
9.☆の向こう側 (Hoshi no Mukougawa)
10.サボテンとゴールドラッシュ (Saboten to Gold Rush)
11.美しき者 (Utsukushiki Mono)
12.アイヲクレ(Ai wo Kure)
13.摩天楼の距離 (Matenrou no Kyori)
14.命の意味 (Inochi no Imi)
15.I’m crying.
16.ずっと ずっと (Zutto Zutto)

The release date for the album is tomorrow, September 18th, so order your copy now! Since this is a stage CD it will only be available in the AKB48 Online Shop, but if you use a deputy service (Such as FromJapan) you can still get it. Here’s the link to the CD in the AKB48 Online shop:

I am so freaking excited for this. I’ve been on the edge of my seat, waiting for the A6 studio recordings the day the K6 and B5 albums were released (It’s funny because a few days before they came out I was bitching on how CDs from artists I like never get released on my birthday, haha). Anyway I already jumped on it and ordered my copy of A6, and I absolutely can’t wait to hear all the songs again in amazing, recorded quality (especially Takamina’s solo, of course! <3).

Better Late Than Never!: Chobi’s Review on A6 “Mokugekisha” Shonichi
August 13, 2010

So I’ve been sick for almost a week now, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the only good that comes out of being under the weather is that being under house arrest gives you (well me, at least) a chance to rest up, gather your thoughts, and work on some writing.
So I figure while I cook up some ideas for short stories and fan fictions, I may as well write a review for Team A’s new stage, complete with Takamina-centric review and picspam ^_^

Set List
00. Miniskirt no Yosei (Zenza Girls)
01. Mokugekisha
02. Zenjin Mitou
03. Ibitsu na Shinju
04. Akogare no Popstar
05. Ude wo Kunde (Nakaya Sayaka, Maeda Atsuko, Kuramochi Asuka)
06. Enjou Rousen (Takajo Aki, Sashihara Rino)
07. Itoshisa no Akuseru (Takahashi Minami)
08. Hoshi no Mukougawa (Nakata Chisato, Kojima Haruna, Oota Aika, Iwasa Misaki)
09. Saboten to Gold Rush (Ooya Shizuka, Katayama Haruka, Maeda Ami, Shinoda Mariko, Matsubara Natsumi, Nakagawa Haruka)
10. Utsukushiki Mono
11. Ai wo Kure
12. Matenrou no Kyori
13. Inochi no Imi
14. I’m crying
15. Zutto Zutto
16. Pioneer

First let me just say that I’m terribly sorry for the delay in post this; I rewatched the stage a few times in order to gather as much detail about the songs and performances as possible. I also decided to take screencaps, which also was time consuming, and writing the review in general look a lot longer than I thought (about 2 or 3 days of writing and 7 full Word document pages ^^;). But anyway, I’ll shut up now: Let Chobi’s long ass review begin! A6 IKUZEEE!!!!!!
